MiniGolf Adventure Island – Hole 16: Winter theme
Categoria: Interviste
Le nostre interviste
Minigolf Adventure Islands
While we continue to develop Days After The Storm, we started also a new game inspirad from C64 era. Minigolf Adventure Islands is a classic mini golf game with a top down visual, custom physics and four (plus one more secret) paths. Features: more than 40 holes beatiful graphics with background animation 4 seasons with…
The new website is online
From today 02 February 2017, you can see our new website online. We promise to update with news and notes about our game development.
We are still working
Just a few lines to confirm that the Days After The Storm development goes on!
Days After The Storm – l’intervista fatta da Shahed Chowdhuri in italiano
Ecco tradotta in italiano, l’intervista che ci ha fatto Shahed Chowdhuri, Technical Evangelist at Microsoft for the East Coast (US). 1. Per realizzare Days After the Storm, quante persone sono state coinvolte? Sin dall’inizio Days After the Storm e’ stato sviluppato solo da una persona, ad eccezione della parte grafica, realizzata da una ragazza. Per…